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Cupping - 45 Minutes

  • 45 min
  • 105 Canadian dollars
  • Portage Road

Service Description

Cupping Therapy is negative pressure (suction) cups will be used to address any areas of complaint. Cupping is a safe, traditional treatment that helps with chronic muscle tightness and pain. Cupping Therapy also helps with increasing the range of motion within the joint and helps with any adhesions that you may have. The cups will leave marks and our temporary and will disappear within 2 to 3 weeks.

Cancellation Policy

We have a strict 48 hour cancellation policy as 3 people are affected: you, the Massage therapist and the client who could have had the appointment. Please call/text or email if you need to cancel your appointment or reschedule for a later date, we would be glad to help.

Contact Details

  • 3714 Portage Rd unit 200, Niagara Falls, ON L2J 2K9, Canada


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